Frequently Asked Questions


You will need to submit a written request for a continuance.  Follow the instructions below.  A continuance is discretionary with the Court.  Please state the specific reason(s) you are unable to appear.

Follow the instructions for filing a Motion for Continuance at the State’s Self-Service Legal Center, will need an original and three copies of your Motion and CCS Entry Form, plus two postage pre-paid envelopes, one self-addressed and one with certified mailing for opposing party or their counsel.

As members of the community utilizing the Lake County Superior Court, Juvenile Division, it is expected and required that you and your child appear in court in appropriate attire. 

As the courtroom is not a casual environment, it is expected that all parents/legal guardians present their children and themselves to the Court in compliance with the following guidelines to insure the professional integrity of the court and judicial process.


SHORTS OF ANY KIND (cut-off or other), T-SHIRTS, TANK or HALTER TOPS, sweat shirts, torn clothing (this includes clothing purchased with tears already in them), mini-skirts, untied shoe laces, bathing or body suits.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to insure the clothing worn by their children and themselves reflects the proper level of respect due the Lake County Superior Court.

Failure to comply with the expected dress code could result in the continuance of your case and in some instances may result in the child’s detention during the continuance period.

Paternity must be established by Court Order or a Paternity Affidavit signed by the father to have a right to parenting time. Please see the IV-D Paternity tab for instructions on how to file paternity and the Resource List for Self-Represented Litigants for useful websites.


CASA volunteers conduct home visits in order to collect information regarding children involved in CHINS proceedings. CASA volunteers attend court hearings and make recommendations to the court regarding placements of the represented children, permanency plans, medical and educational needs. CASA volunteers maintain contact with school officials, therapists, and anyone who is involved in the lives of abused and neglected children
  • CASA volunteer applicants must be at least 21 years old.
  • Applicants must have a High School Diploma or a GED certificate.
  • Applicants must pass a criminal background check.
Lake County residents interested in volunteering will need to complete two (2) applications (preliminary and final), undergo a background check, participate in an interview with a CASA staff member and complete 30 hours of training before being assigned a case.
The Lake County CASA program usually offers s training 2 times a year (Spring and Fall). The training consists of 5-6 weeks of evening sessions, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a total of 30 hours.


 3000 W. 93rd Ave
Lake County Juvenile Justice Complex
Crown Point, IN 46307

Phone: (219) 660-6900
Fax: (219) 736-6209

Email Us


Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Job Openings
