- Please provide complete and correct information for all parties on a case: names, dates of birth, and social security numbers. Dates of birth should contain month-day-year. Social security numbers should contain all nine digits. The ISETS system and the new INvest system will not allow us to add a party without complete information.
- Please provide the current address information of the custodial and non-custodial parties at the time that a divorce is finalized.
- Please provide the exact start date that the non-custodial parent should begin making child support payments. Many times we receive orders that state payments will begin when a home is sold, or when one of the parties vacates the home. We do not have a clear indication of when the start date will be. We have to use the court order date to add the case to the child support payment system. This means that the system will begin to calculate child support to the case, which will cause an arrearage balance to accumulate in the system. This can cause potential problems for the non-custodial parents, especially if the case type changes from a NIVD case to an IVD case.
- Educational expense payments cannot be processed through the ISETS child support payment system or the successor INvest system. We suggest that those payments be paid directly to the college or university.